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2024 Predictions & Trends in Marketing, HR, CX, and more

Plus: A 7-Minute Recap of 2023 | Brand Simplicity Really Pays | The 1% eCommerce Awards | And more...

Happy New Year :)

Today, let’s take some time to look back—and look ahead to some big ideas that will impact the eCommerce and DTC world in 2024.

Table of Contents

Let’s get into it.

2024 Prediction: AI Becomes Your Colleague

It seems ridiculous to write that headline. And no, it’s not really a hot take. It’s based on what I read in Shopify and G2 reviews for Rep AI. It could be a canary, but it’s still hard to know for sure.

It’s just a matter of time…

But predictions are in, so why don’t I share one that may be a bit early but will probably be true by the end of 2024 (definitely by 2025)?

AI won’t just be your “co-pilot” or “assistant”—yes, it will be those things, too.

AI will become your trusted colleague.

Do you find that strange to think about? I do.

But then I read the following reviews. Here’s what stood out:

"Rep AI performs just like another member of the team. We can brand it according to the style of our store, and we can also train it on information we want it to provide."

"It's like having an extra team member who’s always ready to help out our customers 24/7."

“It has been a lifesaver for us by cutting down customer service time by more than 90%. Customers love being able to chat 24/7, and 93% of customers were happy with the replies received, and one of three customers who chatted went on to place an order.”

“Rep takes the manual work off our shoulders when it comes to support tickets - it can show our customers around the site, suggest products, collect leads, answer questions, provide special offers, track orders.”

“We have the ability to train the AI on information so it answers just the way we want it to.”

Extra team member. Cutting down customer service time by more than 90%. Takes the manual work off our shoulders. Training.

10 years ago, I would never have associated that language with an AI. But the one that gets me is “like having an extra team member.”

AI is a game-changing technology on the level of the printing press or the internet itself—there’s no doubt about that. In 5-10 years, AI will take its place among smartphones, refrigerators, and electricity as can’t-live-without-it technology.

And maybe in the next year or so, I predict, many of you will “hire” an AI to become an invaluable part of your team.


The Latest

The Verge’s 2023 Review

Lots of great stuff in here, from art to tech to books to movies. If 2023 was a blur, take a moment to see what you missed.

A 7-Minute Recap of 2023

From Vox:

It was quite a year.

Brand Experience

Brand Simplicity Really Pays

KISS. Keep it simple, silly. Well, that’s my take on that acronym. And that’s what people want. In fact:

  • Simplicity creates trust

  • Complexity loses trust

It’s that simple. Because trust is profitable. Very profitable, according to Siegel+Gale’s 10th edition of their World’s Simplest Brands Report.

The World’s Simplest Brands

Siegel+Gale’s global director of business analytics and insights, Brian Rafferty says:

“The key thing about simplicity is that you need to promise something, make it clear, and you need to deliver on it. And it’s not a one-time thing. You need to keep doing it. Simplicity isn’t a process, it’s a journey.”

Brian Rafferty

In 2024, let’s try to simplify customer journeys, shall we?

Customer Experience

Martech Prediction: Better CX is in the way in 2024

Here’s Martech with their own prediction, emphasizing a stronger customer experience as an untapped advantage.

From the article:

In 2024, keys to customer success will include better personalization delivered at scale by ramped-up automation and generative AI. And better digital content will surface, if organizations put in place the necessary guardrails for generative AI to fuel the anticipated content surge.

Definitely a pattern in this newsletter, but you can’t hear or see it enough.

Employee Experience

2024 HR Predictions

From IT World Canada and their HR predictions based on trends. Some things to note here:

  • Gen AI increases workplace productivity, so expect more adoption

  • Enhance the Employee Experience with more values-based initiatives like productivity, creativity, sustainable and environmental practices

  • Remote work and talent acquisition: a strict RTO (return to office) policy will likely hurt your talent pool

More here:

9 Buzzwords that reshaped Workplace Culture in 2023

Just another ‘bare minimum Monday’

“Quiet quitting”

“Bare minimum Mondays”

“Lazy girl jobs”

If you’re a little slow on the lingo, here’s a little brush-up so you can keep up with Gen Z.

Data Experience

Data and AI Predictions: 2024

Finally, predictions around AI and data. First, Google will start phasing out 3rd party cookies, whether you’re ready or not.

So, start building better relationships today. Why? Because your potential customers are more willing to trade data for better value and personalized experiences.

From the article:

As third-party cookies disappear, marketers will continue to search for more engaging ways to connect with customers. The silver lining is that customers will share their data when there’s a clear value exchange and the interaction with the brand pays off for them. The key is that brands are transparent with users about this exchange.

Read more here:

Happy New Year!

Here’s to a more profitable and healthy year ahead.

Talk soon.



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