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  • Brand metric's next frontier: Emotion

Brand metric's next frontier: Emotion

Plus: Revenge of the Homepage | How Lectric eBike went from 37K to 210K in organic traffic | How a supplements brand raised conversions by 6% on its collections page | How Instacart uses AI to improve CX | And more...

Aloha friends! Here’s a list of curated articles for all you busy eCommerce professionals. Choose wisely…

Table of Contents

By the way, join my upcoming webinar on May 21, where I’ll discuss AI’s real business impact for big and small eCommerce merchants.

More details below:

The webinar will be recorded, so sign up even if you can’t make it, and I’ll send over the recording when it’s done.

Let’s dive in…

The Latest

Revenge of the Homepage

Could your homepage become a destination instead of social media?

Then here’s an essay for you to consider:

I know this article speaks more about media sites, but how could your blog become a go-to destination in your category? Is there space on your homepage that you’re underutilizing?

Suck at prompt engineering? Microsoft can help you…

“Prompt engineering,” the official term for communicating with AI to get it to do what you want it to do doesn’t come naturally to most people.

Neither does communicating clearly to one another, but that’s for another article.

However, when it comes to ‘prompting’ the AI clearly, Microsoft has a solution for you. And I expect other AI tools to follow suit and make this a feature.

More below…

A ‘peek’ into the future with with Frame

With intelligent everything about to flood the market, finally some functional glasses from Brilliant Labs.

With all the hoopla around Apple’s Vision Pro, here’s a more practical application of truly intelligent glasses.

And watch out Warby Parker — they’re a little more stylish that Google Glass—remember those?

The Xs

Brand Experience

Brand metric’s next frontier? Emotion.

How do you measure brand value? For some CMOs, emotion is emerging as the next key brand metric.

With AI tools like Brandthro's Net Emotion Score, brands are starting to quantify their brand’s emotional impact.

For many CMOs, experiences are taking more precedence and other senses are getting more love (brand smells are becoming a thing).

Combining those factors with AI offers brands more accurate sentiment analysis, and something like the Net Emotion Score will be the norm in 5-10 years.

Is emotion the true currency of brand value?

Marketing Experience

How Lectric eBike increased monthly organic traffic from 37K to 210K

Need some SEO inspiration? Here’s a good breakdown of how Lectric eBikes got it done.

User Experience

How a supplements brand raised conversions by 6% simply by moving collections copy

In short, move the descriptive copy for your collections page below all your products. Why? You want people to go to product pages right away.

When a nutritional supplements eCommerce site did this, more shoppers went to product pages, increasing conversions by 6%.

Read more here:

Customer Experience

How Instacart uses AI to improve CX and free humans to do their best work

Laura Jones, CMO Instacart

Here’s Instacart’s CMO on how they improve CX with AI. But don’t be fooled. The efficiency gains unlock human creativity for bigger challenges facing the business.

That’s the underlying theme of AI in general, isn’t it?

Read more here.

Employee Experience

What is AI? A guide for teams everywhere.

Here’s a short primer on AI and its relevant use cases today

Thanks, BBC.

Which workers will benefit most from AI?

Here’s the short answer: every one that uses it.

But it’s a little more complicated than that, isn’t it? The real question:

Will AI complement the skill set of the current job market? Or will it only be useful to smaller niche markets and jobs?

From Chicago Booth:

Data Experience

Balancing AI, Intuition, and Big Data for Organizational Advantage

An Oracle study revealed that 72% of business leaders struggle with decision-making due to a lack of trust in their data. And 86% find the increase in data sources complicates their lives.

What if the key to unlocking AI and big data was simple human intuition, and a little empathy?

Chris Harris makes the case:

I hope to see you at the webinar in two weeks.

Have a great weekend!



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