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  • How well does AI sell on Shopify? Answer: Pretty damn well.

How well does AI sell on Shopify? Answer: Pretty damn well.

Plus: The Google doc leak and the future of SEO | AI and The Work Trend Index from Microsoft | CS is now responsible for sales?? | And more

Happy early summer! In this issue, we’ve got:

Table of Contents


Webinar Replay: How well does AI really sell for Shopify?

I recently did a webinar on how well AI sells for eCommerce and Shopify. The results are, in some cases, extraordinary.

Real numbers. Real merchants. Real quotes from some of the top merchants in the game today.

Anyway, here’s the replay:

And here’s the article with a little more detail if you enjoy reading (sadly, most people don’t today):

The Latest

How Google is disrupting eCommerce search results

I have two tweets for you. This is concerning, sure, but try for a moment to imagine a world where the search engine is obsolete. Then, imagine a world where AI simply gives you what you’re looking for without needing to search.

First tweet:

And the second tweet:

Might be prudent to heed their advice:

Online stores: it’s time to optimize your PDPs!

Aleyda Solis

And here’s an article from the founder of The Verge on Google Zero:

ChatGPT can now do data analysis

Things are moving fast. With the announcement of 4o and the constant releases, it’s possible we could be at GPT-5 by the end of the year.

Here’s a breakdown of ChatGPT’s data analysis capabilities courtesy of OpenAI.

The Xs

Brand Experience

Stand out by adding a dash of unexpected generosity

Do you know someone who gives and finds joy in giving? Does it make you want to reciprocate? Like you owe them something, even though they made it clear that they don’t need anything from you?

Could ‘generosity’ be a critical part of your strategy going forward?

“What are you talking about, Paul? I give them my products. I give them content. What else do you want me to give?”

I don’t know. But I think about what unexpected generosity does to people. True generosity breeds, at worst, word of mouth and, at best, loyalty. It builds an emotional connection to your brand.

That said, unexpected generosity doesn’t have to be costly. Small gestures like personalized thank-you notes, exclusive content for loyal customers, or maintaining great service can make people feel valued without breaking the bank.

How do you build a culture of generosity so your team is empowered to spread this to others? How can you find authentic ways to show your customers and community that you care about more than just making a sale?

This article inspired this post:

Marketing Experience

Google’s document leak and what could mean for SEO

Google’s omnipresence seems to be a theme in this newsletter. Well, they had a documents leak on how SEO really works.

My guy Rand details what the documents leak could mean for SEO-ers going forward. Definitely worth a video watch.

For another take, read this article by Search Engine Land.

User Experience

Where should add-to-cart buttons go on product pages?

Have a simple product like battery chargers, shoes, or eyelash kits? Then this one’s for you.

If you don’t have a complex product, then position your add-to-cart button above product descriptions.

Allen from Blue Stout saw a 9.6% in ARPU with a beauty brand. Read more about it here:

Customer Experience

Customer Success & Support is now responsible for… sales??

Well, according to G2, this is the trend, and it’s looking more like a mainstay. From the article:

Regardless of what business structure their department falls under, over two-thirds (67%) of customer success professionals report having a sales quota to maintain as part of their job responsibility, showcasing a greater emphasis on maximizing customer lifetime value and the evolution of the customer success role.

We noticed this trend at Rep AI. Customer support leaders often find our solution because they’re trying to reduce support tickets. And when they notice that Rep’s primary job is to sell, they see that as a boon.

What’s interesting is that many of the tickets that support wants to deflect are sales questions—not ‘customer’ support questions (because they’re not even customers yet).

This trend was unavoidable as more and more departments found themselves doing more cross-functional jobs.

Read more here:

Employee Experience

Rituals, not habits, make you more productive

From Fast Company:

Data Experience

AI and The Work Trend Index by Microsoft

Microsoft surveys 31,000 people from 31 countries and their own usage data to produce the Work Trend Index. Here are some highlights in chart form:

Percentage of workers using AI at work

Hire with AI or without AI skills?

Occupations with the greatest percentage of members on LinkedIn adding Al Aptitude skills to their profiles in 2023

Industries with the greatest percentage of members on LinkedIn adding Al Aptitude skills in 2023

AI aptitude by role

It’s a comprehensive report:

Thanks for hanging out today.



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